What is Gonorrhea? Treatments, Symptoms, and Prevention

Sexual interaction may sometimes result in diseases and infections. One such condition is called gonorrhea.

Gonorrhea is an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) that also goes by the name ‘the drip’ or ‘the clap.’ The infection doesn’t require ejaculation and can travel into your body if you are sexually active with an infected person.

Antibiotics are the most common gonorrhea treatment[1]. However, still, one must be knowledgeable about the symptoms, preventions, and the origin of the infection. This blog post dives into all the essential facts about gonorrhea and its cure. 

What Is Gonorrhea and Its Main Causes?

What is Gonorrhea

As hinted earlier, gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease that is caused by a bacteria named Neisseria gonorrhoeae or N. gonorrhoeae[2]. The infection invades the body when sexual fluids enter the body. Hence, you can get the disease through any kind of sexual intercourse (anal, oral, and sharing sex toys).

According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), Gonorrhea is one of the most common STDs, affecting more than 700,000 in America [3]. However, only half of these are reported and recorded by CDC.

Gonorrhea targets the warm and moist places of the body. Therefore, the most common invasion places are the urethra, the productivity tract, the vagina, and the anus. However, in the case of oral sex, the infection also spreads to the eyes and throat.

Since the disease has no prominent symptoms, it is almost impossible to detect it. However, you should frequently get an inspection to get a timely gonorrhea diagnosis online.

Symptoms of Gonorrhea

Although there are no high-alert symptoms (only mild) in women, some conditions can help you inspect when you should see a doctor.

In Women

The symptoms in women can be different depending on the reproductive system. However, if you observe any of the below-mentioned conditions, you must get medical assistance.

  • Unusual vaginal discharge
  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Burning sensation or pained urination

It is important to note that all people assigned feminine at birth, including cisgender, transgender males, and non-binary people with vaginas, mostly experience these conditions. However, if you think you are infected, visit the doctor for a gonorrhea treatment online even if there are no observable symptoms.  

In Men

All humans assigned male at birth, including transgender, cisgender, and non-binary people with penises, mostly experience the given symptoms.

  • Painful or swollen testicles
  • Severe burning sensation when peeing
  • Penis discharge
  • Bleeding in between or after sexual intercourse

Other symptoms in all genders [4] include pink eye (conjunctivitis), swollen throat, pain and discharge from the anus, and pained excretion.

What is Gonorrhea

Complications of Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea leads to severe health complications. Therefore, it is necessary to point out what happens if you don’t get a Gonorrhea treatment on time.

  • Gonorrhea damages the fallopian tubes in the female productive system leading to infertility. In other cases, it also results in a life-threatening condition called ectopic pregnancy when the eggs grow in the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus. [5]
  • It also leads to sperm damage in males. [6]
  • The STD reduces your immunity against HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) which further results in AIDS.[2]
  • Women can also pass the infection to their babies, which results in scalp sores and other infections in infants. [2]
  • Gonorrhea develops Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), which results in internal abscesses and other chronic pelvic conditions which are difficult to cure.[5]
  • Untreated gonorrhea also swells the joints making them tender and swollen. While in other cases, it also spreads to the patient’s blood. [7]  

What is Gonorrhea

Diagnosis And Common Gonorrhea Treatments

Healthcare specialists usually adopt one of the following ways to test the infection.

1. Urine Test

You give a sample of your urine which can help detect the infection.

2. Blood Test

Since the disease can spread to the blood, you are sometimes required to give a blood sample for the diagnosis.

3. Fluid Testing

A sample of the fluid discharging from the genital organs is taken to test the infection. However, these tests are performed in specialized labs and take several days to generate a report.

Can You Get Gonorrhea Treatment Online?

Commonly clinics give the test results within 2 to 3 days. However, some healthcare facilities can also deliver the results in hours. Nowadays, in-home gonorrhea treatments and tests are also available.

The infection is usually treated with antibiotics. However, it is necessary to go to the healthcare specialists rather than try curing the issue with home remedies and self-medication. Moreover, if your partner tests positive for the infection, you must also get a test.

Typical gonorrhea treatment is an intramuscular injection of the antibiotic ceftriaxone in the hips[8]. Also, most specialists prescribe oral medicines as well. For instance, your doctor may prescribe you two doses of doxycycline daily for seven days[8]. During the treatment, you mustn’t engage in any sexual intercourse. The same applies to your partner as well.

How To Prevent Gonorrhea?

Since the infection is recurrent, one must know the precautionary steps to minimize the risk of reinfection. Moreover, the risk of catching the infection increases if you are sexually active and young, under 25 or so [9].

  1. Ensure Protected Sex: You can use male and female condoms before sexual intercourse.
  2. Avoid Sharing Sex Toys: If you are sharing sex toys, then sterilize them before use. Moreover, you can also cover them with condoms to reduce the risk of infection.
  3. Minimize Sex Partners: Having multiple sex partners is one of the most common reasons for catching the infection. If all of your partners don’t get treated, you’ll likely develop the condition again. Moreover, it is also necessary to ensure that your partner has no other sex partners.


Gonorrhea is a common STD curable with antibiotics within a couple of weeks. Although typically, a gonorrhea treatment lasts for about seven days. But it is essential to consult a professional online doctor before engaging sexually, as treatment time also depends upon the infection’s intensity.

The infection has no evident symptoms in most women. The symptoms are usually mild and often mistaken for something else. However, in males, the symptoms can be severe as well.

If you have had other STDs, it is important to take frequent tests to prevent the infection. Most people take the test twice a year. However, you must consult a professional before proceeding.


1. Is gonorrhea contagious?

Gonorrhea spreads through sexual interaction, and you don’t get the infection from eating, drinking, or cuddling and using the same toilet.

2. How long does it take for a gonorrhea treatment to work?

The medication takes seven days to cure the infection and any sexual intercourse during that time results in the contraction of the disease.

3. Is gonorrhea life-threatening?

Gonorrhea at its early stages is not fatal. However, untreated infection can lead to life-threatening conditions in both males and females.

4. Can you get a gonorrhea treatment online?

The primary diagnosis requires an in-person visit. You or your partner must visit the clinic to get the test. Most healthcare providers offer virtual doctor treatments for their partners if a person tests positive.




[3] https://dph.illinois.gov/topics-services/diseases-and-conditions/stds/gonorrhea.html#:~:text=Gonorrhea%20is%20a%20very%20common,infections%20are%20reported%20to%20CDC

[4] https://www.ndtv.com/health/gonorrhea-symptoms-more-prominent-in-men-than-women-1877112





[9] https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/4217-gonorrhea

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